By selecting the optimal car insurance, you significantly minimize the risk associated with an accident. Anyone who has been involved in an accident – be it a rear-end collision, a collision with wildlife, or a collision due to a momentary lapse – may have realized that, in addition to the hassle, the costs of repairs, appraisals, or a rental car can quickly soar. To protect against these risks, consider taking out comprehensive or collision insurance to cover damages to your own vehicle.
After the installation of your solar system, it is crucial to protect it from unforeseeable natural events that unfortunately occur more frequently. Our experts assist you in optimizing the protection of your system by providing special insurance solutions for solar installations.
The comprehensive protection of your company and profitable activities prevents unpleasant surprises for both management and all employees. Our range of services includes legal protection for businesses, vehicle insurance, business liability, property insurance, occupational provision (BVG), daily sickness benefits insurance, and accident insurance.
Cicero Quality Seal for top-notch advisory quality in the insurance industry. The employees in the internal team and the insurance advisors of e-sales expert ag meet Cicero’s defined quality criteria. Through continuous training, they keep their knowledge up-to-date to competently assist our numerous customers.
The most beautiful part of the year should be worry-free. Unfortunately, unpleasant events can also occur during the long-awaited vacation. Stolen luggage, lost travel documents, medical emergencies, or even a trip interruption can quickly turn a dream vacation into a real nightmare. Travel insurance protects your well-deserved break and safeguards you and your family from costly damages.
The e-sales team stands out primarily for its diversity. We are a group of over 25 experienced insurance experts who know the Swiss market inside and out. With a comprehensive and established network, we understand how to optimize insurance coverage and reduce premiums through clever adjustments. Beyond that, we are passionate service providers who always prioritize their customers.
In Switzerland, health insurance is mandatory. The mandatory basic insurance ensures all citizens the same benefits as legally required. Additional insurances can individually adjust the level of protection to your life situation. We identify the best modules to reliably protect you and your family from health risks. At the same time, we enable significant savings on premiums in many cases.
While a life without pets is imaginable, let’s be honest: dogs, cats, and other pets greatly enrich daily life. However, the costs of veterinary treatments, preventive check-ups, vaccinations, or possible surgeries can significantly strain the household budget. With pet insurance, you comprehensively protect yourself from the financial burdens associated with caring for your pet. Let’s work together to create an insurance package that is tailored to the needs of your furry companion.
The requirements for insurance security vary depending on life situations and individual needs. Our goal is to accompany and advise our customers optimally in every phase of their lives. In close collaboration, we work together with our customers to find a customized insurance coverage that meets their individual requirements.
E-sales expert ag has registered as an independent intermediary with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA (Registration No. F01444035). This registration emphasizes our commitment to adhering to the highest standards and transparency in the financial services industry.
By obtaining robust legal protection insurance, you secure the opportunity to assert your legal claims both in and out of court. Whether it’s traffic law, professional law, private law, or tenancy law – our experts put together a tailored insurance package for you to be optimally prepared for all eventualities.
By taking out property insurance, you can protect against damages to or the loss of property. Household and liability insurances offer protection against costly consequences. Our carefully curated packages for individuals and businesses provide customized coverage with an outstanding balance of price and performance.
Insurance for provision protects against financial risks in old age, disability, or in the event of death. Occupational provision is particularly relevant and not only ensures the certainty of a relaxed and financially secure retirement but also provides tax benefits for contributions. Let’s together establish a solid foundation for your provision with the 3rd pillar!
Our comprehensive building insurance shields you from various risks, including damages from fire, water, earthquakes, or burglaries. We understand that each building is unique and may have different risks. Therefore, we develop individual insurance solutions tailored precisely to the specifics of your property.
H – Hauptsitz: Baselstrasse 8, 4532 Feldbrunnen
M – General Agency Monthey, Route des Iles 1, 1870 Monthey
G – General Agency Giubiasco, Largo L. Olgiati 79, 6512 Giubiasco
While enjoying your vacation or business trip, you might unknowingly bring home not only beautiful memories but also unwanted “souvenirs” like bedbugs. Have you ever thought about disinfection insurance? We present you with top-notch solutions with an optimal balance of performance and price.